SECP Empowers Individual Investors Can Now Directly Invest in Govt Debt Securities

SECP Unveils Strategic Action Plan to Boost Islamic Finance by 2026

Islamabad: The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has announced that individual investors can now directly participate in and invest in Government Debt Securities (GDS), including Sukuk. This significant development was conveyed to Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb during his visit to SECP Headquarters.

Broadening Access to Government Securities

SECP officials briefed the minister on the details of GDS, which include Treasury Bills (T-Bills), Pakistan Investment Bonds (PIBs), Government of Pakistan (GoP) Ijarah Sukuk, and other debt instruments issued by federal, provincial, and local governments, as well as statutory bodies.

The minister acknowledged SECP’s efforts in facilitating the launch of GDS and emphasized the importance of creating liquidity in the secondary market. To maximize participation, the government has already permitted money market schemes to invest in government securities traded on the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), ensuring greater involvement of mutual funds in Sukuk and other debt instruments.

Regulatory Reforms and Market Development

SECP Chairman apprised the minister of various initiatives aimed at improving ease of doing business in Pakistan. These include advancements in technology, regulatory reforms, digitalization of services, and enhancing access to finance. The chairman also highlighted SECP’s efforts in market development and innovation, including the regulatory sandbox initiative and measures to promote startups.

The minister expressed keen interest in SECP’s sustainability initiatives, such as the launch of the ESG Sustain Portal, and efforts toward investor education and protection. He also commended the introduction of platforms like the Central Gateway Portal and Emlaak Financials, which provide one-window solutions and digital filing services for companies.

Focus on Stakeholder Awareness and Collaboration

Finance Minister Aurangzeb stressed the importance of creating awareness about SECP’s positive initiatives to maximize stakeholder benefits. He advised the commission to maintain close collaboration with the government for effective implementation of pension reforms and to coordinate with other regulatory bodies for delivering seamless services in the financial sector.

The minister assured SECP of the government’s support for legislative reforms and other measures aimed at fostering a robust and inclusive financial ecosystem in Pakistan.

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